On Sunday (11/2/2024), a scientific writing session was held in the At-Tasabuq Hall of Pondok Pesantren Daar el-Qolam 3, Dza ‘Izza Campus. This scientific writing (karya tulis ilmiah/KTI) session is a continuation process of the KTI assignment given to final year students.
“The KTI session is one of the educational processes at the Pondok Pesantren Daar el-Qolam 3, Dza ‘Izza Campus with the main aim of educating and teaching children to be responsible for writing from the results of their research or studies. This will be a provision when they study further at university. They are ready to write scientific papers,” explained Ustaz Eka Sugandi, S.Pd. Principal of Daar el-Qolam 2 High School, Pondok Pesantren Daar el-Qolam 3, Dza ‘Izza Campus.
Ustaz Eka also revealed the general criteria for the KTI session. First, the research is interesting and easy to understand. Second, what is studied is stated in systematic and structured writing, from the background of the problem to the conclusions. Everything is connected (coherent) and well structured.
“When presented in a presentation, it shows that students can be accountable for the results of their research,” he said.

The assessment in the KTI session is not only measured from the academic side, but also from the ethical side. There are two court ethics that are of concern, namely originality and etiquette of court participants.
“Ethics relates to writing, namely originality. For example, when quoting, state where the source comes from. Second, ethics in the presentation process, namely showing a sense of respect (respectful attitude) to the supervisor, examiners, and the audience,” explained Ustaz Eka.
“The most important ethic is to be responsible for what one has written,” he continued
The KTI session determines which students’ research works meet the best assessment criteria. The results will be developed further, both in the form of appreciation, documentation, and publication.
“The follow-up from the KTI session is, first, the seven best will receive a special certificate as the best scientific paper and will be announced at graduation. Apart from that, their work will be printed and archived in the library,” said Ustaz Eka.
“We hope that this KTI process and examination will improve from year to year, especially critical culture, writing culture, and accountability for what has been written, researched, presented and tested,” he continued.
Ustaz Eka also hopes that all the processes that have been passed will help the students when they study further, so that they will no longer feel awkward presenting scientific work at universities.
“Hopefully those who can continue as academics can produce quality journals that are useful for the people, useful for many people,” he concluded.